Consumers Council

Learn more about Enel Distribuição Ceará Consumers Council.

The Enel Distribuição Ceará Consumers’ Council is comprised of ten representatives from the main classes of consumer units (residential, rural, public authority, commercial and industrial), as established by ANEEL - Agência Nacional de Energia Elétrica (Brazilian Electricity Regulatory Agency). 

The council’s meetings, which occur monthly, are consultative, aimed at guidance, analysis, accusations, complaints, suggesting improvements and other matters related to the supply of electricity in the concession area.

The Council Members are nominated by representative bodies of each consumer class to exert their activities for a term of four years, with a possibility of renewal. To ensure their impartiality, the representation on the council is voluntary. Furthermore, council members need to have a strong public spirit, have proven representation and cannot be candidates no any elected public post.

Find out more at the Enel Ceará Consumer’s Council website.